Sunday, March 5, 2017

Vietnam - Hanoi, Red River Cruise

River Boat excursion down the Red a smallish pagoda that dates back to the formation of Vietnam, about 1,000 years ago. When it pulled away from China's grasp...
On the way back, a good view of the Hanoi Bridge, the target of innumerable bombing raids by American aircraft in the Vietnamese War. ( BTW: The U.S. is now negotiating access to the Cam Rhan Bay naval base, in the country's center...built by the U.S. during the war, taken over by Communist... government in 1975...and ,now, about to welcome back U.S. naval warships!!!!). To keep the country out of China's grasp. Vietnam is a millennium-long case study in "realpolitik" , to say the least.

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Image may contain: outdoor, water and nature

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