Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Spain - Salamanca

Oldest University of Spain, contemporary to Bologna and Paris, predating Oxford and Cambridge. Lecture halls, courts for the "chairs" to hold audiences. Salamanca reminds the visitor that this millennium-old University "model" has evolved into today's global standard. Whether this fact speaks to the endurance of the "model" ...or to its irrelevance in the age of the Internet is open to discussion.
The city itself adorned with the classical features of a major... Spanish city: Plaza mayor, Cathedral, Roman-era bridge, monastery, etc. etc. Like that other "university town" Bologna in Italy, Salamanca is not in the top tier the country's cities , "The Big Three" (...in Spain: Madrid, Barcelona, Sevilla..) but in historical terms equal to any of them.

April 4, 1994

Link to Photo Album:

Spain - Salamanca 1994

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