Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Italy - Sardinia, Tharros

Something close to half of the UNESCO World Heritage sites are in Italy... the majority of which are beyond the "must-see" Rome-Florence-Venice tourist arc. These others, though smaller, are equally steeped in history. At Tharros, there is a small medieval chapel where undoubtedly the local priest exhorted the local peasantry to join the Crusades. Just beyond, there is an extensive archaeological site with layers of history one built upon the other... ...Nuraghi, Phoenician, Carthaginian, Roman, Byzantine, Aragonese. Tharros served as a commercial port until sea-borne Saracen raiders made it no longer tenable......and it was abandoned for the safer location of Oristano. Underfoot at the site.... the footpaths and streets... paving stones still very much in place.

Link to Photo Album:

Italy - Sardinia, Tharros

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