Sunday, May 31, 2015


EURO 2015 - Russia, St. Petersburg, Tsarskoe Selo, The Grounds





The grounds of Catherine the Great's country palace blend the prevalent European landscape designs of 18th Century (rectilinear pathways connecting small,well-tended parks each surrounded by precisely- shaped hedges) with the emerging "English" design which allowed for plants and trees to retain their more effusive "natural" appearance. Among the buildings on the grounds: apartments for Catherine's lovers, notably Prince Potemkin; a Greek-Roman Pantheon with an exterior gallery exhibiting the busts of famous "enlightened" figures, ancient and contemporary... overlooking a "classic" garden; a small "retreat" on the edge of a small lake where Catherine spent most mornings poring over state documents....with only strong coffee as sustenance; on exit, a long view of the Palace's exterior.....and,finally, passing a statue of Pushkin who spent his summers in Tsarkoe Selo some decades later and for whom the nearby town is now named.

Link to Photo Album:

May 31, 2015

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